Alunos do 2º ano do EM - material para atividade
Alunos, segue o material para a realização das atividades do bimestre (que já foram entregues no dia da palestra no teatro, mas que muita gente perdeu o papel) Entregar impreterivelmente no dia 22/04/2009!
Atividade de Língua Inglesa – value 2,0
Name :_______________________________________number _____ 2º__
The Kingdom
1- Assista ao trailer no início do filme “O Reino (The kingdom)” e enquanto assiste, marque (x) as sentenças que você ouvir ou ler.
( ) 1933: “It was by chance we discovery oil. We are looking for water!”
( ) 1938: the opening of a company called Arabian American Oil Company, or ARAMCO;
( ) A housing compound is constructed for non Arabians who live and work in the Kingdom;
The strict Islamic laws enforced outside these [compound] walls do not apply inside.
( ) The Arabians hated the Americans.
( ) 1945: “they [the saudis] want American presence there, in the kingdom, because we are their security.”
( ) 1970's: those who control the world's oil, hold the rest of the world hostage.
( ) Oil Prices quadruple
( ) Oil becomes an American national security priority.
( ) 1990: Kuwait conflict: the USA offers ½ million to protect Arabia.
( ) Osama Bin Laden offers to help to protect Saudi Arabia. The Arabia king refuses the offer because the USA had made a better offer.
( ) When Osama sees that his offer was refused, he marched on the streets to criticize the unholy alliance between the royal family (Saudi) and the Americans.
( ) The Arabians only wanted to kill Osama.
( ) The Americans only wanted to kill the Arabs.
2- Why did the author/director use the two sentences below in a film about war?
In the year 2000,
a) Saudi Arabia - # 1 oil producer in the world.
b) The United States - # 1 oil consumer in the world.
3 - In your opinion, what is the author opinion of the reasons why men go to war?
Why is the film called “The Kingdom”?
Atividade de Língua Inglesa – value 2,0 (group work)
Objetivo: Construir uma resenha crítica em ingles sobre o filme
“The Kingdom”
Conteúdos: resenha – organização textual
Competências: Interpretar informações representadas de diferentes formas (resenha e filme) para demonstrar opinião e construir argumentação.
Habilidades: comparar diferentes pontos de vista, analisando-os e confrontando com situações reais, históricas e/ou ficcionais para identificar pressupostos e construir argumentação.
What is the situation?
Where does it happen?
Who are the characters and actors/actresses? (individuals)
When did the story take place? (occasion)
Why was the film made? (intention)
Who for? (public/target audience)
Name :_______________________________________number _____ 2º__
The Kingdom
1- Assista ao trailer no início do filme “O Reino (The kingdom)” e enquanto assiste, marque (x) as sentenças que você ouvir ou ler.
( ) 1933: “It was by chance we discovery oil. We are looking for water!”
( ) 1938: the opening of a company called Arabian American Oil Company, or ARAMCO;
( ) A housing compound is constructed for non Arabians who live and work in the Kingdom;
The strict Islamic laws enforced outside these [compound] walls do not apply inside.
( ) The Arabians hated the Americans.
( ) 1945: “they [the saudis] want American presence there, in the kingdom, because we are their security.”
( ) 1970's: those who control the world's oil, hold the rest of the world hostage.
( ) Oil Prices quadruple
( ) Oil becomes an American national security priority.
( ) 1990: Kuwait conflict: the USA offers ½ million to protect Arabia.
( ) Osama Bin Laden offers to help to protect Saudi Arabia. The Arabia king refuses the offer because the USA had made a better offer.
( ) When Osama sees that his offer was refused, he marched on the streets to criticize the unholy alliance between the royal family (Saudi) and the Americans.
( ) The Arabians only wanted to kill Osama.
( ) The Americans only wanted to kill the Arabs.
2- Why did the author/director use the two sentences below in a film about war?
In the year 2000,
a) Saudi Arabia - # 1 oil producer in the world.
b) The United States - # 1 oil consumer in the world.
3 - In your opinion, what is the author opinion of the reasons why men go to war?
Why is the film called “The Kingdom”?
Atividade de Língua Inglesa – value 2,0 (group work)
Objetivo: Construir uma resenha crítica em ingles sobre o filme
“The Kingdom”
Conteúdos: resenha – organização textual
Competências: Interpretar informações representadas de diferentes formas (resenha e filme) para demonstrar opinião e construir argumentação.
Habilidades: comparar diferentes pontos de vista, analisando-os e confrontando com situações reais, históricas e/ou ficcionais para identificar pressupostos e construir argumentação.
What is the situation?
Where does it happen?
Who are the characters and actors/actresses? (individuals)
When did the story take place? (occasion)
Why was the film made? (intention)
Who for? (public/target audience)